Samuel A RAYHILL (RIN: 4389), son of Jacob RAYHILL and Margaret MORRIS , was born 17 May 1858. He married ? ? . He died 04 February 1895 in Near , New Point . Missouri. ? ? (RIN: 4390).

Children of Samuel A RAYHILL and ? ? are:
1. Cory RAYHILL (RIN: 4897)
2. ? RAYHILL (RIN: 4898)

Marriage/Union Events for Samuel A RAYHILL\? ?:

Notes for Samuel A RAYHILL:

The Trueblood Family In America

Notes taken from
"The Trueblood Family in America
" by Bula Trueblood Watson
, copyright 1964.

"...m and had two dts., according to reports, but the name of only one is known;
While Samuel Rayhill and Lynn West were out hunting near New Point, (Mo.). . ., the gun carried by Mr. West was accidentally discharged and the shot, striking Mr. Rayhill, killed him instantly. . . . At the time od the shooting, they were passing through some brush and having found young turkey tracks, their guns were cocked, when a bush catching on the trigger did the fatal work. . . . . member of IOOF and K. of P." pg 121

Notes for ? ?:

Notes for Cory RAYHILL:

Notes for ? RAYHILL:

The most recent update of information contained on this page was on: 22 August 2010